Monday, October 7, 2013

An explanation

    I started this website in the summer, around July, and I knew that once school started, my posts would slow down, but I didn't think they'd stop all together. But then, life happened, and I apologize to those of you who stayed here waiting for me to post, and I never did. A lot has happened in my life within the past few months. A close loved one passed away about a month ago, and I'm not going to lie to you guys, it was pretty rough. I took it really hard, and am still going through a tough time. On top of that, my parents have been fighting quite a bit lately and my dad has taken up drinking again. Dealing with death, family addiction, while still trying to spend time with friends, doing well in school, and not losing your mind... it was a lot.
    So why am I telling you this? Maybe because I feel like I should tell you where exactly I've been, or maybe because I just needed to tell someone. Or because there is a positive message in all of this pain. When all of this was happening, Jesus was the only thing in my life that was going well. He was the only one there for me when I couldn't talk to anyone else. It amazes me how my relationship with Christ can continue to grow in the roughest times of my life thus far.
    Though I am still dealing with a lot of these problems in my life right now, and I'm still trying to keep up in school, I'm going to start posting again (yay). I don't want to make any unrealistic commitments, so I'm going to start with one post a week, and see if I can do more from there.
    Just know that I am grateful for all of you who read and keep up with my website. I originally just made this as a personal record about my life walking with Jesus, and I honestly didn't think anyone would have interest in it. I love you all :) God bless!

Playlist #2 Spending time with Jesus

Recently I've learned there are so many things you can do to spend time with Jesus, and one of the most obvious (other than praying of course) and commonly overlooked is listening to songs that praise Him. So, here are my favorite songs to listen to when I just want to spend some time with Jesus.

1. Desert Song- Hillsong Untied (this was the first worship song I'd ever heard... like ever; I can still remember hearing it at my friend's church)
2. Remind Me Who I Am - Jason Gray
3. You Are More- Tenth Avenue North
4. Bless The Lord (Son of man)- Tye Tribbett and G.A.
5. Times -Tenth Avenue North
6. Restore- Chris August (I'm going to do a post on this someday when I write about dating and marriage)
7. The Motions- Mathew West
8. Worn- Tenth Avenue North
9. 10,000 Reasons- Matt Redman
10. Christ is Risen - Matt Maher
11. Oceans (where my feet may fall) - Hillsong Untied (This song.... wow)
12. Hold Us Together- Matt Maher
13. Should've Been Me- Citizen Way
14. Scandal of Grace- Hillsong Untied (Again, this song.... WOW)
15. Furious- Jeremy Riddle (this song is why I named my website "His love is furious")