Monday, November 18, 2013

Hello, my name is...

So far on this blog, I have not held back about sharing who I am. But I've never said who I am NOT. I am my sin. I am not the mistake I made years ago. I am not the time I fell, and refused to get up. I am not a bad math test. I am not regretful. I'm not forgotten. I am loved. I am forgiven. I am treasured. I am a child of the one true King. :) Now it's about you...

You are not your sin. You are not the mistake once made. You are not the time you fell. You are not a bad history test. You are not regretful. You are not forgotten. You are loved. You are forgiven. You are treasured. You are a child of the one true King! (just a little reminder to put some perspective in your day)

Monday, October 7, 2013

An explanation

    I started this website in the summer, around July, and I knew that once school started, my posts would slow down, but I didn't think they'd stop all together. But then, life happened, and I apologize to those of you who stayed here waiting for me to post, and I never did. A lot has happened in my life within the past few months. A close loved one passed away about a month ago, and I'm not going to lie to you guys, it was pretty rough. I took it really hard, and am still going through a tough time. On top of that, my parents have been fighting quite a bit lately and my dad has taken up drinking again. Dealing with death, family addiction, while still trying to spend time with friends, doing well in school, and not losing your mind... it was a lot.
    So why am I telling you this? Maybe because I feel like I should tell you where exactly I've been, or maybe because I just needed to tell someone. Or because there is a positive message in all of this pain. When all of this was happening, Jesus was the only thing in my life that was going well. He was the only one there for me when I couldn't talk to anyone else. It amazes me how my relationship with Christ can continue to grow in the roughest times of my life thus far.
    Though I am still dealing with a lot of these problems in my life right now, and I'm still trying to keep up in school, I'm going to start posting again (yay). I don't want to make any unrealistic commitments, so I'm going to start with one post a week, and see if I can do more from there.
    Just know that I am grateful for all of you who read and keep up with my website. I originally just made this as a personal record about my life walking with Jesus, and I honestly didn't think anyone would have interest in it. I love you all :) God bless!

Playlist #2 Spending time with Jesus

Recently I've learned there are so many things you can do to spend time with Jesus, and one of the most obvious (other than praying of course) and commonly overlooked is listening to songs that praise Him. So, here are my favorite songs to listen to when I just want to spend some time with Jesus.

1. Desert Song- Hillsong Untied (this was the first worship song I'd ever heard... like ever; I can still remember hearing it at my friend's church)
2. Remind Me Who I Am - Jason Gray
3. You Are More- Tenth Avenue North
4. Bless The Lord (Son of man)- Tye Tribbett and G.A.
5. Times -Tenth Avenue North
6. Restore- Chris August (I'm going to do a post on this someday when I write about dating and marriage)
7. The Motions- Mathew West
8. Worn- Tenth Avenue North
9. 10,000 Reasons- Matt Redman
10. Christ is Risen - Matt Maher
11. Oceans (where my feet may fall) - Hillsong Untied (This song.... wow)
12. Hold Us Together- Matt Maher
13. Should've Been Me- Citizen Way
14. Scandal of Grace- Hillsong Untied (Again, this song.... WOW)
15. Furious- Jeremy Riddle (this song is why I named my website "His love is furious")

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Guess who's back? Back again...

I'm really sorry everyone, if there is anyone reading these :) I've had a really busy week with camping, and my first ever real concert, and my friend was going through a really tough time. But finally, my life is calming down again, or at least for a few weeks until school starts :) Anyways, for the time being, I will try my best to post something once a day :)Thank you all for being patient! God bless!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Prayer request

So today, I'm asking for you guys to pray for my friend. She's going through a really tough time right now. She's dealing with anorexia and it's getting pretty bad. I've tried showing her how beautiful she is, but she won't see it. She feels as though everyone leaves her because she is fat and she hardly ever eats. She's 18 and weighs a little less than 90 lbs, and it keeps dropping quickly. There's absolutely no way she can get through this without the help of the Lord. Please, pray for my friend :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Update July 23rd

So I'm very sorry I haven't posted anything for a few days. It's been a crazy weekend, and the chaos continues though this Sunday. I say it as though it's a bad thing, but it's really not! I've just had a lot of things to do and I have like 2 seconds to breathe today, and it gets crazy again this afternoon. But I sort of enjoy the chaos in a way. I would rather be super busy, than  have nothing to do. ANYWAYS I found this on instagram this morning, and I think was a great way start my day. Just a little reminder about how when something seems bad in the moment, it could lead to something better down the road :) Hope everyone has a great day. God bless!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Absence vs. Silence

     God is never absent... though He may be silent. This is what my pastor told me once, when I was going through a tough time in my life, and was questioning if God was still there. The problem is, most of us often mix up Absence and Silence. But the truth is, God loves you too much to leave you. End of story. But how is it that we remember this, when we are hurt, or in a place in life where God is silent. It really does feel like He's abandoned us sometimes, and it's hard to be able to know He's still there. So how do we know He is still there? Easy. Just remember.
    Think back on all of the times that his presence was obvious. Remember all of the great things that He has done in your life, and in others'. Think back on all of the times He has helped you out of dark times and obstacles you could have never gone through with out him. How He's never left your side. He's helped you out of problems before, and He'll do it again.
     We all get so caught up in the moment, with these small stages in our lives of chaos, that we forget all about the big picture. God has His plan for you. Where you are, is exactly where you are meant to be; right where he wants you. God loves you, and if there were an easier path for you, that still lined up with his plan, you'd be there (if that makes sense).
    If you still feel discouraged, think about it this way. Maybe this is God's way of communicating with you. They always say silence is the loudest cry. Here, let me give you an example. Since I was 8,  I really wanted to study science. Then, last year, I thought I'd get ahead in college credits and took AP biology. And wow that was a slap in the face. I tried my hardest, studying for hours every night, and failing most of my tests. I prayed and prayed that God would help me do better and understand. Nothing happened. The ENTIRE school year, I was struggling to just pass the class. At the time, I saw this as God abandoning me. I felt as though he'd left me to fail. Then I slowly started losing interest in science. At the time I didn't think twice about it, until I started getting more interested in Writing and English. Then one day a few months ago, it randomly occurred to me, that this was God's way of pushing me back on my path.
     Since then, multiple things have happened that made it clear, that science is not for me. I did end up passing the class at the last minute, though I didn't get the college credit. God was there. If anything, He was working hard to help me in the long run. (: I'm going to leave you guys with a song today (yes another Tenth Avenue North) And I BEG that you please take 3 minutes and listen to it. This song has opened my eyes. Its about how God's love is always with you and it never ends. This song means more to me than words can describe